Friday, August 28, 2009

Avoiding Drop-shipping Scams

There are lots of companies out there waiting for you to fall into their too-good-to-be-true traps. I have personal experience with the owners of two of these kinds of companies based right here in Utah - USight and Simplx. These companies tout their desire to make you a millionaire overnight by giving you access to thousands of high-margin products which you can sell online. To make themselves seem viable, they'll also include "coaching" from a person who really has never tried their methods in the first place. Otherwise, he'd be building his own business using those strategies instead of trying to sell them to you. A quick logic check would clue most people in to the fact that these companies aren't even worth the time you'd waste trying to determine whether they're legitimate, let alone the thousands of dollars you'd be out if you get involved with them. Think about it, if they're selling the same lists to thousands of people, who are in turn trying to sell the same products on eBay, the prices are driven down and the competition so fierce that there is no way for anyone to make money. Don't let it happen to you. I can't emphasize enough that you shouldn't go down the road of buckling to the high-pressure sales schemes of those snakes. If you do, I guarantee you'll be setback a few thousand dollars, and you'll likely be cured of any desire to try building an online store again.

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